
Junior Infants Blog

Balance bikes

This week balance some of the girls began to use the balance bikes. They learned about balance and had lots of fun! All the girls are looking forward to using the bikes in the coming weeks.

Saint Patrick’s Day

Last week we celebrated Saint Patrick. On Thursday the girls did their special assembly and they were fantastic. They shared the story of Saint Patrick, sang songs, said prayers, and even did some Irish dancing.
On Friday the whole school did a parade around the local community. The girls dressed up and performed some songs and dancing during the parade. Everyone had lots of fun!

Our Community

This week we the girls have also been learning about our community and the people who work in our school and our community. The girls learned lots and then came up with questions to ask Turlough the lollipop man, and Tracey our school secretary. We invited them into our class and the girls interviewed them to get the answers to their questions. They learned about lots of the important jobs that people do in our community and about all the people who help us. A big thank you to Tracey and Turlough for taking the time to visit us!

Fruity Fun

The girls in Junior Infants have been reading Handa’s Surprise. The story is set in Africa and there are lots of animals and fruits in the story. This week we all got to taste some of the different fruits. Some girls even tasted new fruits they hadn’t even heard of before we read the story. We had lots of fun smelling, feeling and tasting banana, orange, mango, pineapple, avocado and passion fruit. The 2 most popular fruits were banana and passion fruit. The second most popular fruit was pineapple.

Our First Visit to the Library

This week we went to the library together as a class. The girls were so excited! We wrapped up in our hats, scarves, gloves and coats and we walked up to the library. When we arrived, Helen read us a story. Then we looked through some of the books in the library and each girl chose one book to take back to school. We spent some time looking through the books when we got back to school and we even found some of our tricky words in the books.

Irish Dancing

The girls in Junior Infants started Irish Dancing lessons last week with Dawn. They have been enjoying learning the steps and working with a partner. They prasticed the steps and then danced to the Irish music. The girls are already looking forward to next week!

Our School Trip

On Thursday we went to Copper Coast Mini Farm. In the morning we got on the bus and sat with our friends, singing songs. When we arrived at the farm we got to play in the sand and in the playground. After that we went on a tour with Laurence and we fed some of the animals. We had so much fun and lucking the sun was shining from start to finish!